"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Monday, August 27, 2007

College Life!

Well, I'm here! This is my first week of classes. So far nothing too hard. Just an overview of what to expect. Sorry it has been so long for me to get this updated, but I had a little computer problem and was without a computer for a while. Last week was freshmen orrientation. It was actually a fun week. We spent the week doing one assestment after another. That got a little tiresome! As you can see I am all settled in. My room mate is really nice and easy to get along with. That makes things a lot easier too. I don't really have too big of a load for the first semester. I will be taking fifteen and a half hours of class a week. Three classes a day, and I do not have any seven o'clock classes. Thank the LORD!!! So I think this first semester will go really well. I am really excited about this year, I think it will go very well. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. They have been a real encouragement for me. I just remind myself from time to time of the people who stood around me, Ryan and Megan and prayed for us. That just reminds me of the people who care for and are continuing to pray for me. Thank you all so much. I already have had a few answers to prayer. The first one happened just a few days after I got here. I'm sure my mom has filled you all in but just in case she didn't I will go ahead and tell you. I was really hoping to get a secretary position in the work study program but I never really applied for it. The second day I was here, Bro. Hooker found out I had arrived and asked me to come up to his office. Then he asked me if I would like a position as his secretary. Of course I said I would. Well, to make a long story short I found Friday that I got the job and started that afternoon. Then the next answer was just a few days ago. I was down to just six dollars and didn't really now how I was going to come up with some money to come home this weekend. Well, my church took up an offering and sent it to me. So I think God is going to take care of me this week. I have no doubt in my mind that this is where God wants me to be. Well, I have to get ready to go to chapel. I will do my very best to keep everyone updated. Thanks so much for all your prayers.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Heading to College!

Well, tomorrow I leave for college. I know it has been a long time since I last updated my blog, but a lot has happended since my last blog (sort of). As you can see the house is quite a mess. That was just last night. My mom and I got to work and packed everything up and got it in the van last night and now we are ready to roll. I really am excited about going to college, it is going to be so much fun! And contrary to what my father says, I am going for a bachelor's degree in church and family, NOT just a bachelor! : ) Although that might fit in some where. I have spent a lot of time this summer getting things for school and now all that has paid off and it is actually time to go. I'm excited but a little sad at the same time. It's just another chapter of my life that is closing and I realize that there is no going back. Things will never be the same. And as scary as that is, I can't help but be excited at the new realm of possibilities awaiting me. As my mom says, it really is exciting to just sit back and see what God does. One of my moms favorite songs is "I enjoy the trip", and I'm finding that I too am enjoying the trip walking with my savior. Well, I will try to keep this updated and let everyone know what's going on at college in the next couple of months. See ya around sometime!