"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello again!

Well a lot has happened since I last posted anything on my blog. To much for me to really mention everything. I do give my apologies though, I haven't been very diligent in keeping everyone updated. Well, I can tell you a little about what has happened in the last week or so, I think.
A couple of weekends ago was the weekend for the Christmas pagent at GBS. It was December 7th through the 9th. It was also the weekend of my eighteenth birthday! I sang in the choir and was also in one of the street scenes. It was so much fun! My family wasn't able to be there on the first night, which was my birthday, but they came down on Saturday and we all went out to eat at Max & Erma's for my birthday. Then after the play we went out again, this time for a friend of mine's birthday which would be the following week. It was a really fun weekend. I was so happy to have everyone there. My mom and dad came down with my grandpa and Ashley Frye, a friend of mine frome church and school. Amber Plemmons also came down and was able to go out to eat with us. That was the weekend before finals! AHHHH! No, it really wasn't that bad. I made it through alive and actually I don't think I really did that bad on any of my tests. My last final was on Thursday so I was able to head home Thursday night. I was so excited to be able to come home. I came home on the 13th and get to stay until January 7th. I can't believe the school year is already half over! It has gone by so fast!!

I am really blessed. God really knows how to take care of me! Last time I was home, I went into Hobby Lobby, where I worked over the summer, for a visit and they offered to let me work while I was home for Christmas. So I started back to work on Monday. It's going pretty good. I had to refresh my mind on a few things and they have gotten new registers since I worked there last, but other than that I'm think I'm doing pretty well.

Today was the funeral for Bro. Shoemaker, a man from my church. He was a very sweet man and his wife really means a lot to me. She told me that she really worries about me when she knows that I am traveling back and forth to GBS. My dad and brother Michael had the funeral. During the funeral I was sitting there thinking about my grandma. This will be the first Christmas without her. It all seems so strange. It just doesn't seem like she is gone. But you know, this is probably the best Christmas she has every had!! She's sharing it with the ONE who is the whole meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ.

But enough of the melancholy this is the season to be jolly. And jolly I am. It snowed!!!! I was so excited! Hopefully we will have a white Christmas. The day after it snowed I let my dog outside for a little while and she had so much fun in the snow that I decided to go outside with her. So we went outside for a while and played. It was so much fun!! I can't wait until Christmas!

Christmas really is my favorite time of the year. The lights that sparkle on all three of our trees, the snow, the decorations, it all just seems so magical. There just seems to be something in the air that is contagious. I love it! Yeah, you will run into those grumpy shoppers every once in a while, but you run into more that wish you a "Merry Christmas" instead of the controversial "Happy Holiday." If only people would understand the true meaning of Christmas and experience that meaning in their own lives, then would it truly be a very Merry Christmas. Yeah, this isn't my normal type of blog, but I guess it's like I said before, there is just something about this season that makes one really contemplate. Hopefully I will have a new post before Christmas, but until then, have a Very Merry Christmas!!!