I also got to see everyone from Bird Lake this weekend. Saturday their church was having a basketball tournament. They have enough people playing to be able to have four full teams and the teams played against each other all afternoon. It was a lot of fun to go and see everyone, but when I left I felt like I really didn't have enough time to see everyone. So, Sunday night I went to Bird Lake for their evening service. The thing is to be able to go I used up all the money I had to take back with me. I really didn't have that much in the first place but my dad didn't really want me to go back to school without any money. My dad told me it was my decision, if I really wanted to go see everyone that was fine but that would leave me with no money, since Bird Lake is an hour away and gas prices are so high. Well, I decided I really wanted to go and I would just trust God to provide for me in the next week. Well, I didn't have to wait long! You know, God is really good!! He loves us so much that every once in a while He spoils us. He knew how much I wanted to go an
d see everyone and He also knew how much I was going to need money when I headed back. Well, today my grandpa was going to take me shopping for clothes but decided that since I still had some homework to finish and to pack that he would just give me the money. He gave me enough to fill my tank and still leave me enough for laundry money and spending money, more spending money than I really need. Isn't God great!! I got to see all my friends, twice, and I don't have to go back to school completely broke! Well, I hope to be able to come home in a couple of weeks for the Bird Lake Spring Drama and then a couple of weeks after that I will be home for a few days for Spring Break! This year is really going by fast! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. God Bless!