Well, my plans for the summer include working, working and... working. : ) I am currently waiting to hear from the Walberg Campaign to see if they have a position open. I received an e-mail and I e-mailed them back today to maybe set up an interview. I really hope I get this job! But, if I don't I guess I will have to keep looking. I might even get an occasional babysitting job. Jordana said she would be more than willing to have me watch the kids e
very once in a while. Oh yeah, did you know I'm an aunt again!?! Tuesday, May 13 around 7 o'clock pm Seth and Jordana had a little boy, Keaton Bradley Arnold. He is so cute!! I wasn't able to be there when he was born, so I didn't get to see him until yesterday. But that's okay.
I'm planning on going to Hillsdale for the spring semester. So that will give me plenty of time to get a job and save up some money. So when I start going to Hillsdale my life will consist of work and school. I really think my social life will be next to nothing when I start college. : ) Oh well, that's life right? I really don't think it will be that bad. I'm actually looking forward to going to Hillsdale. And, as crazy as this may sound, I can't wait to find a good job either. Well, I think that's about it for now. Talk to you all later!!