A lot has happened since I last blogged, but not much has happened that is really worthy of reading about. The summer is almost over, which is bizarre, it feels like
it just started. I haven't really done much this summer except look for a job. Jobs are kind of scarce lately and to be honest I was starting to feel a little depressed there for a while, especially when four jobs in a row didn't work out, four jobs that I really really wanted that is. But today I think I finally got a job. At least it looks really promising. I will be working at an orchard grating fruit and doing school tours up until Christmas. I'm kind of excited. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Last Sunday was Michael's last day at the church. He got a full time teaching position at Lenewee Christian School. They are in the process of getting a house and are really excited. I'm not sure who they are going to get to replace him, but we won't be going there to church any ways. It's a lot of change but I'm excited. We're going to try a few different churches here in town. I think it will be fun to meet some people my own age here in town.
I'm still working on my application for Hillsdale, I'll be attending, hopefully, after Christmas. My f
uture seems really uncertain, but that's okay. It just adds some mystery to my life. : ) You know, I've come to realize that it doesn't really matter if my future is uncertain. I'm not the one who has to worry about my future. The future and the past are the two areas in my life that I have no control over, and that's alright. I don't have to be in control of everything, right? All I can really do is take one day at a time and let God take care of my future and forgive me for my past mistakes. All I can do is live today in such a way that when I look back I don't have any regrets. I'm not really concerned about my future, which is strange now that I think about it. In fact, I'm a little excited to see what happens. Man, that's a good feeling! To feel excited rather than apprehensive about the future. You should try it sometime, it's good for your health too. : )