"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prayer and Blessings!

Have you ever really listened to yourself pray? What do find yourself saying? Its so easy, when you pray, to just ask God for things, but what about thanking Him? I even find that when I start a prayer intending on just giving thanks I some how end up throwing in a few requests as well. Not that that is wrong, but shouldn't we at least set aside one maybe two prayers a week that are just prayers of thanksgiving, no requests just thanks. Its not as easy as it sounds. It seems like a habit, that when we pray we ask for things. We all have needs, and don't get me wrong, we are told to keep asking, but would it really hurt to skip a day or so of asking and just dedicate those days to thanking? We have a lot to ask for but I think if you were to sit down and make a list you would be able to come up with more to be thankful for than things to ask for.
I have a lot to be thankful for. Way too much to be able to fit in this one blog. But I can name a few. Of course there is my family, friends, home, and church. But then there are the little miraculous things that happen that I tend to forget about. As many of you know, I worked for a few months at Kapnicks Orchard. That was just a seasonal job, which ended a few days before Christmas. Meaning that once again I was without a job. I toyed with the idea of maybe taking some classes through Community College for a semester but then I decided that I really needed to find another job and save up some more money. But there really isn't that many places that are hiring right now. I decided that I would just wait until the holidays were over and schools had started back up and then I would go searching for a job. I didn't have to that though. Last week at church, my pastor's daughter approached me and asked if I would be interested in a seasonal job working for H & R Block answering phones during the tax season. Needless to say, I said yes, went to an interview and I started training on Monday. I will be working two to three days a week 10-12 hours a day. It's perfect, especially since it's a seasonal job, because of another, very unexpected, blessing from God.
A few weeks ago, I saw an ad for an intern position in Indiana working on a campaign for the summer. I checked it out and decided to go ahead and apply for it and see what happened. That night I received a call from the campaign. We talked for about an hour and at the end of the conversation I was told that the job was mine if I wanted it. Well, of course I did! So now I will be leaving at the end of May to go to Indiana for the summer. I plan on coming back just in time to start class at Hillsdale. This one really amazed me, because I really wasn't expecting anything. I really had the attitude that whatever happened, whether I got the job or not, that was okay. And it all happened so fast too. I guess that was the part that amazed me the most. So, I thank God for not only my family, friends, home, and church, but also for supplying all my needs and for providing me with my desires. He is not God who only gives us what we need, but He also likes to surprise us every once in a while by giving us something we really want. Isn't God good!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An update!

Well, I'm back. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I just haven't blogged in a while. Sorry everybody! Well, since I hit the deer nothing too exciting has really happened, except for Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas. My aunt and uncle from Washington were able to make, so that was nice. We had a few people over on Christmas Eve to play a few games then on Christmas Day we had everybody over, all my brothers and their families and my grandpa and Elaine, and my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Bob and Aunt Kathy. I don't think I left anyone out. It was a really fun time.
Then there was New Years. On New Year's Eve we had Michael and RuthAnne over to play a few games, we played Apples to Apples and Imagine If..., it was a lot of fun. Then we watched the ball drop. I think it was around 2 o'clock before we went to bed by the time they left and we had cleaned up. Then on New Years day I went over to Ryan's house in the evening for pizza and a movie night. I think we said we ended up watching 8 hours of movies. We still had another six hours to go but I thought I better get on home. I didn't get home till 3 o'clock, but it was fun.
I finished up my work at Kapnicks Orchard. Now I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I'm looking at a few options but there isn't anything definite yet. Well, I guess that pretty much gets everyone updated. Sorry it took so long. I don't think I have any pictures this time, but I will definitely have to get some pictures on soon. Hope you all have a wonderful year! I promise I will write on my blog soon!