"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Songs of Blessing

I have always been one who was ministered to through music. The songs I have on my playlist I just accidentally came across and they touched me. I strongly urge you to not only listen to these songs but to find the lyrics and read them, they are very powerful. The first one is "Orphans of God". It talks about how we can never be considered an orphan of God's. There is another song that I love but I couldn't find it to add it to my playlist, but it is called "Jesus Doesn't Care". The chorus says, "Jesus doesn't care what you've done before, how you rebelled or slammed the door. No matter how far you've gone or how long you have been untrue, Jesus Doesn't care he still offers forgiveness to you". That's kind of the concept of "Orphans of God." No matter what we do, we are still God's child and He will always welcome us back into His family. You can never go beyond the love of God. Never! I just love that thought!!! There are no orphans of God!
The second song that touched me was "You Have Been Good." It talks about how even if we never have another answer to prayer, if we never receive another blessing, even if we never get to see a loved one again, we would still have to say "Father, you have been good," because "I know all too well what I am deserving". We don't deserve God's love yet He still gives it to us. Yet, when things go wrong, I find myself quick to blame God, but if I were to look back I would have to say, "God you have been good."
The next song is "Sometimes He Calms the Storm." In the chorus it says, "He can settle any sea, but it doesn't mean He will...Sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child." Just because God isn't calming the storms in your life, doesn't mean He has abandoned you, maybe it just means there is a lesson for you to learn, and if you will allow Him, He will hold you until the storm passes. In my devotions lately I have been reading about darkness, and how that going through a dark time in life is not necessarily bad. If you read the Bible, you can see that it was in dark times that God would speak. If we are quiet during those dark times, don't complain or feel sorry for ourselves, just be quiet, then can God speak. That is kind of what the song, "In the Calm", talks about. It says, "In the calm, in the quiet, I am listening Lord". Take advantage of those dark, quiet times to listen and see if you hear the voice of God.
Other times, those dark periods happen just before a blessing. Have you ever noticed the temporary blindness that occurs when you step out into a particularly bright day? It's because it is so bright outside your eyes go dark until they can adjust to the brightness. So maybe when your going through a dark time you should be excited, because it just might mean that something extraordinary is about to happen, you just have to wait until you've adjusted to be able to see it. Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms the child, but either way, He still brings peace.
We are not orphans, we have not been abandoned; We are God's children and God has been good to us. God is good. Don't you just love Him!!
The link below is to a youtube video of a High School Choir performing the song "Orphans of God." It is awesom!!! Especially the part towards the end, right after they turn their backs to the audience. Watch for that part. Hope you enjoy it!