"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shoot for the Moon

Have you ever wondered why it is that when we are little we think we are capable of anything but then we grow up and the things we once dreamed of we don't even try for. Why?? Why do we limit ourselves so much as adults? Why do we always just assume we can't instead of at least trying? As adults we go to do something, something that to the "realists" may seem absurd and we're told "Don't get your hopes up" sometimes you even tell yourself this. Why? Why not get your hopes up! At least you have hopes, at least you have a dream, that although it may seem a bit out there, your doing something to reach for it. It's like that saying, "Shoot for the moon because even if you fall short you'll still land among the stars." Too many people think, if you aim low, set small goals you'll never fail. True, but you'll never truly succeed either. This mentality will only get you a mediocre life. But if you aim high, even if you don't make it all the way you'll still make it much farther than if you would have "played it safe." A mediocre life is not for me! I've always dreamed big, but been to afraid of failure. Sure, it's disappointing to set high goals and fail repeatedly, but you can't look at it that way. You have to change your way of thinking. Instead look at it as, I didn't reach my goal, but I made it pretty close, guess I'll just have to try again. How can you expect to live a life of purpose, a life like the one you dreamed of as a little child, if you don't, in a sense, revert back to your childhood mentality! Start thinking like that little child again, start thinking you are capable of anything you set your mind to. Because you know what? You are!! You have been made with the extraordinary ability to dream, to analyze, to plan and to act. Use those abilities together! Dream about what you want, analyze that dream and figure out a plan to accomplish it. Then...act upon it!! Succeed! Don't dream small! Dream big!!! Don't sell yourself short, aim high!! Shoot for the moon!