"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Last night we started the GBS Homecoming. That is when the alumni come back to the school for the weekend. Yesterday we had a service for the alumni at seven o'clock in the evening. President Avery wasn't able to be there for the opening ceremony so they had a video that they had made the day before of him welcoming everyone. Then they had a quartet and trio sing and then a few of the alumni sang solos and some of the old quartets came back to sing as well. Dan Plemmons was in one of the alumni quartets. I was so happy they were able to come. I got to spend some time with Amber Plemmons and she stayed in my room last night. Then the choir sang. It was a very moving service! Then after the service we went down to the gym for the homecoming fest. All the educational divisions set up booths selling food and drinks. A few did something a little different to attract attention. One was set up like a Hawaiian booth and they had a little place where you could put your head through the hole to make it look like you were surfing and then someone could throw wet sponges at them and try to get them wet. The freshmen set up a booth where you could pay two dollars to have someone put in "jail" and the only way they could get out was if they would sing or pay two dollars. It didn't seem to go over very well at first,they kind of had some competition from the misterial booth. The ministerial booth had Jeremiah Parker play his guitar for them and one of the quartets sang. They even got one of the alumni to sing with them. So what could you call that then? Well, then towards the end the freshmen booth started getting a whole bunch of people to sing. It was so funny! They got Joel Hood, Andrew Dahler, Nick Turner, Jeremiah Thompson and Nathan Gumbiner to sing some veggitales songs. Gumby (Nathan Gumbiner) sang "You are my cheeseburger" and then someone payed to have Joel put in and he talked the other guys into singing with him. They sang "Oh, where is my Hairbrush?" By the time these guys got up there to sing they had a whole crowd around them cheering them on.They didn't know the words so they would listen to what Larry the Cucumber was singing and then they would follow along. And when it would come to a part where a "narrator" would talk they would pass the megaphone around to each other and move their mouth like they were the ones talking. It was hilarious! The gym was so crowded it was hard to even move around. And it was so noisy too!! By the time the night was over my throat hurt from hollering just to be heard. Amber and I got our picture taken with the king, a little boy from one of the booths. He was so cute! They were using him to try and "lure" people to their booth. Well, I will try to keep everyone updated. I will be going to youth challenge in a few weeks, so I will make sure I take my camera so I can update my blog when I get back. Talk to you all later. Thanks for all your prayers!


Phil & Sue Arnold said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
Wish we could've been able to be there. It was good to see the update to your blog

Phil & Sue Arnold said...

Hey little girl! I like your new "Blog Look". Oh, by the way, "wanta buy a fish?". HeeHee.

Merrie Beth said...

I came across your blog today while checking my mother-in-law's blog. I still can't believe you're in COLLEGE!! You're still supposed to be that cute little blond-haired girl of 8 that I first met all those many years ago!:) You are going to do great at GBS, and we'll be praying for you. Kansas is a long ways away, but our prayers can still reach anywhere. Good Luck!
Love, Merrie Beth Avery

Cheryl Watters said...

It was good to read your blog tonight, although I realize you updated it over a month ago. Just decided to send a comment. Wondering if there were pictures of Youth Challenge comming or if you were planning to wait for Christmas pictures. Cute! (as RuthAnn would say) See you next weekend. Sure do miss you!