"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A quick update

Well, it's been quite some time since I last updated my blog. But I have been so busy lately. Well, I 'm not really sure where to start, but a lot has happened, well maybe not a lot but some things have happened since I last wrote. Well, the last week of September we had a school picnic on Saturday. We played games of frisbee, softball, ultimate frisbee, volleyball and many other games. We had so much fun! A few of my friends (Sam and Isaac) decided to sit under a tree and play for everybody towards the end. We tried to contribute a little to them by putting money in the guitar case. : ) They really appreciated that I'm sure. The little boy is my D-group leader's little boy. His name is Zachary, he is so cute. Well, anyways, the last three weeks have been phonathon. One of the busiest times of the year for the Office for Advancement, the office I work in. We recruited students to call potential donors Mon. - Thurs. for three weeks, from 6pm until 10 pm. One other girl works with me as a floater, she does whatever she is needed to do, she was a really big help to me. We switched off and on for the three weeks. So we both were down there working at least two nights a week. There were a few weeks that I was down there for three nights. So as you probably guessed I was very, very busy. That all ended last Thursday. This week I have been working on Homecoming. Homecoming is this weekend when all the alumni come to visit the camp for the weekend. Today I was asked to "model" a sweatshirt and pink GBS hat for a picture witch will be shown on a big screen tomorrow night, the first night of Homecoming!! Of course I am thrilled about that! (yeah right!) Well, I guess that pretty much sums up everything, sort of! Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I have recently decided to volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center. I went to a training class Tuesday night witch means that I can gradually work my way up to working with the clients. I also forgot to mention that I have already taken four test since being here. So far I have only gotten three grades back. I have made two As and one C-. The C- was in General Psychology and we were told, by our professor, from the start that we probably wouldn't get a very good score since it was one of the hardest test in the class. So I guess I really didn't do that bad. I guess I can deal with a C-. Okay, now I think that's it! I think I have updated everyone completely. So, continue to pray for me. College life is fun but a little hard to adjust to as well. But thanks to God I'm making it through it all. I really appreciated the encouragement cards I got last week from Hannah and Ashley. They really encouraged me. Thank you all for your support and prayers. I try to update my blog a little more often. Talk to you all later. Bye!


Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

Hey Becky its nice to see your update. Congratulations on joining the "forces" to save innocent lives. You are always in our prayers, but we will be sure to whisper your name during your training period. We sure do love you and miss!!!
Mark, Gretchen and your "buddy" Kendrick

Phil & Sue Arnold said...

My Becky!! It was good to see all the new updates on your blog. I'm glad that you are having a good time, and not only working hard. God is truly blessing you. Isn't God Good!!! Love, mom
P.S. More pictures please.

Anonymous said...

This brings back good memories! I thoroughly enjoyed college life and enjoyed living on campus! I'm glad thinsg are going good for you and you're enjoying it!