ot many know yet that I have made the decision to go to Hillsdale College next year instead of coming back to God's Bible School. It was a tough decision. I wasn't sure what to do and no matter how much I prayed that God would show me, it just didn't seem like He was. Then, in my 7:55 am Life of Christ class, Dr. Phil said something that really struck me. He was talking about faith and hearing the voice of God. And he said "God will not let you miss out on a once-in-your-life opportunity just because you were not sure if it was His voice or not. When you come to a cross road and you don't know what to do you say, 'God I want to go this way but if you want me to go that way I will'. Then you wait. And if you still receive no answer you go the way you want, because God does work through our desires, and say, 'God, if this is wrong, close the door.'" So that is what I did. That day I scheduled a visit to Hillsdale Campus for over spring break. Well, to make a long story short. My dad and I went to the campus
and both of us left there feeling like this was the right thing to do. As my dad put it, before we were just looking through a crack in the door, now the door seemed to have swung wide open. What does that have to do with the chapel service about inadequacy? A lot!!

I'm scared! I'm not sure I can do what will be required of me. Oh, yeah, I'll give my best, but will it be good enough? You see, I don't what to just to well, I want to exceed at this. I feel called by God to go into politics. Don't ask me why. I'm not sure myself. I don't understand why God wants me to do this. But I do know that I am doing this for Him so therefore I don't want it to be a halfway job. It has to be better than my best. So, no I don't feel adequate enough for the job. I don't think I can do it. But then if the people in these clips can do what they are doing, then I can do this. Nick Vujicic has become an inspiration for me. To hear him talk is amazing! And he's right! I can't do this on my own and I'm not even going to try! "Trusting God is where the victory lies" (Nick Vujicic). If I am going to have victory in my life; If I am going to su
cceed, to make a difference in this world for Christ, then I must put my trust in God. That's how Monday's chapel ties in with my life. That's how it helped me. As the year draws to a close, I know there are others out there who are faced with their own decisions and don't know what to do. Well know this, You do Not have to do this on your own! Thanks for letting me preach! : ) Enjoy the wonderful spring weather!!!

Sorry I haven't kept everyone update lately. I haven't really had that much time. And then when I do write I preach!! But I guess I did kind of give an update. Talk to you all later!!
Sorry I haven't kept everyone update lately. I haven't really had that much time. And then when I do write I preach!! But I guess I did kind of give an update. Talk to you all later!!