"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tag, Your it!!!

I've been tagged! So here are a few things about me.

1) What was I doing 10 years ago today? probably what most eight year old do when there is nice weather. Ride my bike, roller-blade, etc.

2)5 things on my to-do list. Print off a few papers, clean my room, go to the store, get my glasses fixed, and put my air conditioner back in my room!!!

3)Snacks that I enjoy. I'm like my mom, anything chocolate is best

4)Things I would do if I were a billionaire.Pay off our house, pay off our car, pay my college tuition, buy my mom a bakery and my dad an old car to fix up and a place to fix it up.

5)3 of my bad habits. Being to quick to give my opinion, not putting things back in their proper place and procrastinating

6)5 places I have lived. Tecumseh, MI, Tecumseh, MI, Cincinnati, OH, Tecumseh, MI and can you guess, Tecumseh, MI

7)5 jobs that I have had. Babysitter, Cashier, Volunteer campaigner, secretary, babysitter

Okay. Now I tag Sam McConkey, Leanna Martin, and Melissa Phelps. Have fun!

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