"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home, Sweet, Home!

Well, the end of the school year has arrived and I am finally back home! I can't believe that I already have a year of college behind me. It's crazy!!! Final exams ended last Tuesday and then Wednesday night was the start of camp meeting at GBSC. Blake Jones, Knox Bullock and Wingrove Taylor were the speakers. It was a really good camp meeting! My mom and dad came down on Friday to help me pack. Camp meeting ended Sunday and Monday morning I left to go back home. It was kind of bittersweet. I was ready to go home but, at the same time, it was hard knowing I wasn't going to be coming back. But I feel I'm doing the right thing. And it's not like I'm never going to see everyone. I had to promise so many people that I would keep in touch and would come for a visit every once in a while, which I plan to do as often as possible. I really am going to miss everyone there, they were all so good to me.
Well, my plans for the summer include working, working and... working. : ) I am currently waiting to hear from the Walberg Campaign to see if they have a position open. I received an e-mail and I e-mailed them back today to maybe set up an interview. I really hope I get this job! But, if I don't I guess I will have to keep looking. I might even get an occasional babysitting job. Jordana said she would be more than willing to have me watch the kids every once in a while. Oh yeah, did you know I'm an aunt again!?! Tuesday, May 13 around 7 o'clock pm Seth and Jordana had a little boy, Keaton Bradley Arnold. He is so cute!! I wasn't able to be there when he was born, so I didn't get to see him until yesterday. But that's okay.
I'm planning on going to Hillsdale for the spring semester. So that will give me plenty of time to get a job and save up some money. So when I start going to Hillsdale my life will consist of work and school. I really think my social life will be next to nothing when I start college. : ) Oh well, that's life right? I really don't think it will be that bad. I'm actually looking forward to going to Hillsdale. And, as crazy as this may sound, I can't wait to find a good job either. Well, I think that's about it for now. Talk to you all later!!


Alanna said...

Glad you made it home. It was good to see your mom and dad from afar! Hope you get a job soon!

Brittany said...

Hey Beck, I'm defnitely gonna miss you next year. Mr. P and I went to Walmart today (3 times) and finalyl we got a battery and he put it in my car. My car actually does have some pick up now. Then I went to Tiffany's for supper. AAfter I ate I had to fly to work. I made it fro ALexandria to Taylor Mills in less than 30 min! But how are you doing? Aything interesting?

Leanna said...

I really hope you get the job, girl! Go you!

Cheryl Watters said...

It's so nice to have you home Becky. I hope everything works out exactly like you want it to.

Dave said...

Enjoy the summer!! Good luck in school this fall! Brant Luther went to Hillsdale and loved it. I don't know if you know him or not, but he is now a lawyer.