"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mind if I ride along?

Tonight we had Michael and Ruth Anne over for a little while and Michael told a story he heard from a man at his church during their Sunday School Class. They were talking about hearing God in an audible voice. Out in the man's field there is an oak tree where he always goes to to pray. One day he was out in his field riding his tractor and he was particularly worried about his family that day and he said, "God, I'll meet you at the oak tree." And he said it was as if he heard God say, "Mind if I ride along?" That got me to thinking about something that happened to me yesterday.

When I got back from GBS I was looking forward to working with the Walbergs. Well, as all of you know, that didn't work out. Honestly, I was very, very disappointed. I wanted that job more than anything. Well, since then I have had numerous jobs fell through. It seemed like one job after another, that I really wanted, just didn't work out and I was starting to get a little discouraged, well actually very discouraged. Then, finally, in August I got a job at an orchard. But I haven't really been all that happy there either. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't quit because I really needed the job. So I decided to just stick it out. Well, now, I don't know what to do again. Yesterday, I received a call from Mrs. Walberg. She needs some help around the house and running errands at least two days a week. It's not exactly working on a campaign, but it's close enough. I worked with Mrs. Walberg a few years ago and I loved it. She is so much fun to be with! So now I am going to see if I can make both jobs work or if I should just work for her. Oh, and get this. I will be making more a week for two days with her than I do four days at the orchard. And it won't be as stressful!

The thing that is so funny, is that I was in the process of getting a nanny position to work around my orchard schedule. It was a very promising looking job. They contacted me and sounded like they really needed me. Then, just like that, I didn't hear from them again. That's the second time I've had a nanny position open up for me and then all of a sudden I never hear from them again. Wait, no, that's the third time. Plus a gazillion other jobs I applied for and never heard back from. I even had a job that I went for an interview and it just didn't seem right. It seemed like right from the beginning it was wrong, I got lost going there, but that's a whole other story.

I guess my point is, that it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing, it doesn't matter how we think things ought to go, or how we plan things out for our own futures, God is not just at the oak tree, He's been there for the whole ride. He knew from the very beginning what I needed, I'm still not sure what it is that I need, but God does and that's good enough for me. So no, I don't mind if He rides along. In fact I would prefer it if He drove. It's safer that way.


Leah said...

What a great analogy!

Cheryl Watters said...

I loved reading your article, Becky. You are a talented writer.

Sharalyn said...

Becky... I have enjoyed reading your blogs lately. As long as you allow God to "ride along beside you", you won't go wrong!
Hope things work out for you with the Walbergs. We know how much you "adore" them. ;-)
(We all do!)
Hang in there girl. We love you!