"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Are you a good steward?

I know I said I wouldn't say anymore about politics until after the election, but I really feel it is important for us as Christians to vote and James Muffet, President for Student Statesmanship Institute, says it much better than I can. I took classes through SSI a few years ago. They taught us how to do legislation and debate the issues as if we were State Representatives. I really enjoyed it. I actually took the classes with Ryan Watters at Lenewee Christian School.
I cannot tell you how strongly I feel about voting, but not just voting, informed voting. You should know who and what your voting for and why. A lot of this applies more to us Michiganders but you others should read this and take it too heart as well. Enjoy!! : )

Dear Friends,
For the past 20 years, the idea of "Responsible Christian Citizenship" has become more and more important to me. In fact, that principle is integral to my work as President of Student Statesmanship Institute and Citizens for Traditional Values. In my view, as Christians we must:

1. Be knowledgeable of the great Judeo-Christian foundations of our society
2. Be aware of the issues facing this generation
3. Be a part of the conversation and decisions taking place in the public square
4. Vote our values!

Will we fight for the sanctity of unborn human life? Will we stand up for the sacredness of traditional marriage? Will we uphold other principles that have formed the bedrock of our nation such as freedom of religious expression, educational choice for parents and the principles of limited government?

With the November 4 elections upon us, and all of these ideals at stake, I hope you will take the time to be informed and exercise the privilege and responsibility of voting.

Although Jesus told us that we are not "of" this world, He did not mean for us to neglect our God-given responsibilities as stewards "in" this world.

Be an Informed Voter! Although everyone is paying attention to the Presidential contest, did you know that there are other critical items on the ballot this year?

Supreme Court: The outcome could change the balance of this Michigan court for the worse!
U.S. Senate: The two candidates could not be further apart on the issues.
Proposal 1: Will Michigan legalize "smoked" medical marijuana?
Proposal 2: Will Michigan allow unrestricted experimentation on human embryos?
State House: Do you know who will be on the ballot in your area?

Citizens for Traditional Values I encourage you to check out the valuable election resources on the web site of Citizens for Traditional Values. CTV provides timely and accurate information on all of these issues, and much more. There are even resources you can make available to your church group, family, or friends.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Let’s all practice "Responsible Christian Citizenship" by voting in the elections this fall.

James Muffett

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." - Proverbs 29:2


Sharalyn said...

You go girl! It is such an important year for voting. I really hate it when people feel that their vote doesn't count... so why bother?! Of course, most of those are "non-christian" friends of mine.. and just don't have the same values about life.

I am excited... Mr. Beltz called me today and asked if I wanted to go with the group from school to see Palin on Wednesday. (Since I'm not working currently, I was able to say "yes"!!)

Unknown said...

I found your blog and was surprised to see my memo there. Thanks for sharing it.

James Muffett

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