"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Monday, November 24, 2008

It happened to me!

Well, I did it! I hit my first deer. Well, actually she hit me. I was on my way home from church Sunday night in the van when this doe just came out of no where and we collided. But if that wasn't enough, the stupid deer was stolen! Who else but me would hit a deer and then have the deer stolen? I was so mad. Then I realized how funny it all sounded and I had to laugh. Here are a few pictures of the van. You can see some of the damage that was done.
Mom and Dad have choir practice Sunday nights at 4:45 pm but church doesn't start until 6 so we drove separate, they took the car and I took the van. When, we left church, they were ahead of me. I was going down 50 and was right outside of Tecumseh, when this huge doe came out of no where! I knew when I saw here that I was going to hit her, but instead she hit me. She hit the left front corner of the van and then spun around and hit the side of the van. The head light was hanging out, the left fender is dented and the drivers side door is caved in. By the time I pulled over I was about 100 yards away from her on the opposite side of the road. A lady pulled up behind me to make sure everything was okay. She went back to make sure the deer was dead while I called my parents and told them to turn around. Mom and Dad decided they wanted to keep the deer for the meat and see if maybe Ben would butcher it for us. So I called it in to get a police officer out to tag it. While we were waiting for the police, who were only maybe 5 minutes away, a pickup pulled up next to the deer and started loading her up in the back. My dad took off down the road to try and catch them and I yelled down that the deer was ours and the police were on their way. But they didn't stop. They slammed the tailgate and jumped in the truck and took off. Dad tried to get their license plate number but it was too late. Not even two minutes later the police showed up and we told him what happened. He couldn't believe it. So, now we have a damaged vehicle with nothing to show for it! Can you believe it? Mom kept saying, "Well, now you have a story to tell." True, I just wish I had the deer to go with the story. Hey, instead of "the fish that got away story" I have "the deer that was stolen" story. I told you I liked stories. : )


TKB said...

I find this all quite entertaining to be honest. Although I'm sorry for your loss...(never thought I'd use that phrase in this way.)

Does this mean your insurance will cover it, or b/c the deer was gone does it make it a no proof claim?

Alanna said...

Glad you weren't hurt - and you definitely have a "deer" story now. I've been seeing a lot of deer carcases along the road. Must be deer season!

Cheryl Watters said...

Like I would tell my boys (shhhhh - they hate to hear me say this), "Let's play the GLAD GAME. At least you were not hurt." Ryan is so anxious to see you this weekend. We'll be in contact.