"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Friday, November 21, 2008

Story Time!

I've always liked stories. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to read stories and I loved to tell stories. When I would have sleepovers, I would tell the bedtime story. But as I've grown, I've learned that stories are more than just for entertainment, stories are also to teach you life lessons. Those are the kind of stories I have come to love. The following story is one that was e-mailed to me almost a year ago, I added a few details of my own as well. This story has stuck with me, and tonight I felt like I should share it. Maybe you have read it before, maybe not. But if you have, it won't hurt to read it again will it? Maybe you won't even be as moved by it as I was, but that's okay, I still think I would like to share it. Hope you enjoy it!

The Rope
The story tells about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb the highest mountain. He began his adventure after many years of preparation, but since he wanted the glory just for himself, he decided to climb the mountain alone.
The night felt heavy in the heights of the mountain, and the man could not see anything. All was black for the moon and the stars were covered by clouds. As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and he felt the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling…and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life. He was thinking now about how close death was getting, when all of a sudden the rope tied to his waist jerked him to a sudden stop. His body was hanging in the air. Only the rope was holding him, and in that moment of stillness he had no other choice but to scream, “Help me God!”
All of a sudden, a deep voice coming from the sky answered, “What do you want me to do?”
“Save me God!”
“Do you really think I can save you?”
“Of course, I believe You can,” replied the man.
“Then cut the rope tied to your waist.”
There was a moment of silence; cut the rope? The rope was all that was between him and death! There was no way he would survive without the rope. "Are you sure God?" he asked.
Again he heard the voice gently whisper, "Cut the rope."
Again, there was silence, then the man made his decision. He would trust in the rope, for he could see and feel that, so he decided to hold on to the rope with all his strength. Surely someone else would answer his cries for help.
Days went by and still the man did not return. Soon a rescue team was sent out to look for him. The rescue team tells that a climber was found dead and frozen… his body hanging from a rope, his hands holding tightly to it… only 10 feet away from the ground.

And you?
How attached are you to your rope?
Will you let go?

For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isa 41:13)



TKB said...

wow. Powerful stuff! I think I've heard a similar story b/f, but not that one. I'm glad you posted it, that's a good reminder.

Hope all is well with you. You need to come visit again sometime btw! :D Maybe for the Christmas program...let me know if you want to, I'll get you tickets. Anyway, take care!

Sharalyn said...

Always love reading yours posts, Becky. You always have something intellectual to share.