"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An Amazing God

Well, it's been a while since I lasted posted anything. Some exciting things have happened recently, and of course, I will probably end up giving you the long version; I hope you don't mind.
Where should I start?
As some of you may know, I am planning on going to Indiana this summer for an internship position working on a campaign. I will be leaving the middle of May. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but like I told my dad, fear cannot be the only reason for me not to go. I'm really more excited than I am afraid, I just don't know what to expect when I get there. But, then again, that's the fun part, not knowing. It's an adventure. Things would be pretty boring if you always knew what to expect, right? Anyways, an intern position is not a paid position and usually you have to provide your own housing and meals, but this position will be providing my room and board, all I need is some spending money. I have been working at H & R Block two days a week since February. That's kind of a funny story too.
God is so good to me! After Christmas, I was once again without a job, the job I had before Christmas was just seasonal. A week or so after New Years I told my mom that I thought I might take a few days to look for a job, my only concern was I wasn't sure anyone would be willing to hire me if they knew I would be leaving in May. Well, I never ended up having to go looking for a job, the job came to me. The following Sunday, my pastor's daughter approached me and asked if I would be interested in a job working at H & R Block. It would only be seasonal, since they just needed people for the tax season. Is that an answer to prayer or what!?! So now I'm working at H & R Block two days a week. But the closer it got to May the more I began to worry. Not only did I need money to take with me this summer, but I also needed to have money to buy the things I would need for this summer. Then I had a few unexpected expenses thrown in as well. I started to feel a little stressed about it, then I thought well, worst case scenario I'll see if I can borrow the money, but of course that wasn't ideal either. I had thought about applying part time at the Centre Cafe where my mom worked, but I wasn't sure if they would want to hire me with me leaving in a few months. So I didn't pursue it. Well, a few weeks ago my mom's boss approached me and asked if I would be interested in working at the Cafe a few days a week. Of course, I said, "Yes." So we set up an interview for last Wednesday, and Friday I was officially hired. I start tomorrow. They didn't mind that I was leaving in May as long as I promised to come back to work for them when I returned. Which means, that I have a job lined up for the school year already. Isn't God amazing!?! So I was getting stressed out about nothing. Isn't that how it usually goes? So that's what's been happening in my world. I learned a long time ago that when I make a decision with God's will in mind, He will not let me make a mistake. As long as you seek God's will, He will bless you.

1 comment:

Betty Jo said...

Hi Becky,

Your stories are always so inspiring. :) You are a great young lady and I can see God using you in mighty ways! Take care, Betty Jo