"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I've mentioned before how songs are one of the ways that I am ministered to. There's just something about music and words blending together that speaks to my heart. Lately I have had a certain song stuck in my mind and every time I hear it it brings tears to my eyes.
I watched the movie Fireproof the other day, very good movie by the way, but in the movie there was a song that they played called While I'm Waiting by John Waller. The words just touched my heart. Waiting is one of the hardest things for me to do. I'm not the most patient person in the world. I may not plan weekend activities but I'm very good at planning out my future. And when I hit a snag, it throws me off. "What do I do now? What's my next step? If only I knew something. If only I could know the next step, I'm not asking for much, I'm just asking what to do next" These are some things that run through my mind. I can't wait! I can't just sit and do nothing. That's were my first mistake comes in. Just because I'm in a waiting period doesn't mean I have to sit and do nothing. "I will serve You while I'm waiting. I will worship while I'm waiting. While I'm waiting I will not faint. I'll be running the race even while I wait." So many times, when I find myself waiting once again for an answer, I also find myself on the verge of giving up. "Maybe God's not going to answer. Maybe I should just go ahead and make a move. Maybe..."
"I'm waiting on You, Lord, though it is painful but patiently I will wait...I'm waiting on You, Lord, though it's not easy, but faithfully I will wait." It's not easy to wait, and yes sometimes it can be down right painful, but we must choose to be faithful to God and continue to wait. And while we are waiting we can continue to run the race by serving and worshiping God.
I'm waiting on You, Lord!

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Hey Becky - good post! God's been teaching me to be content where I am...wherever He's placed me. And also that only He can fulfill my needs. Love you girl!