"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Well, I was able to go home this last weekend. I was originally going to go home on Friday, but then my parents called and said that we were supposed to get a big snow storm and they would prefer for me to get home before the storm hit. That was Thursday night around 9:30 so I ran down to the dean of women's office to make sure it would be alright for me to leave and was given permission. By that time is was already 9:40 and I still had to pack. I was so ready to get home that I was packed and heading down the road at 10:20. It was raining a little bit when I left Cincinnati but by the time I passed Troy it had stopped and I had a pretty clear drive until I got closer to the Michigan boarder. That was around 1:30 in the morning. Well, then I took the wrong exit, which really wasn't that big of a deal. I knew where I was, I was in Petersburg when I should have been in Dundee, but then that meant I had to take Petersburg rode, which is horrible even on the clearest days, to get home. By this time the snow storm that the weathermen where predicting had hit. So I didn't get home until 3 o'clock in the morning. That was okay though. At least I got to go home and I even had an extra day.
I will be coming home again next weekend for a Casting Crowns concert and then the following Wednesday will begin Mid-Winter Break. So this semester is going by pretty quickly and I really don't have that heavy of a load. So I guess I said all of that just to say that God is Good. He was with me as I drove home at 1 o'clock in the morning and He is with me as I continue my schooling here at GBS. Well, I guess that is all for now!


Phil & Sue Arnold said...

I like the new look of your blog. It was good to have you home for a few days. Yes, I was the mean one and said that if you didn't come home Thursday evening, you couldn't come home. You might want to check our blog, I have the pictures of the "fininshed bedroom". Love Mom

Sarah said...

Good to hear your update! Keep encouraged! Glad you got to visit for a few days.

Jody J said...

I just found your blog through your mom's. I love the blogging world! :) Are in GBS choir? Just wondering because they will be at our church next Sunday.
Jody Johnson

Anonymous said...

It was good that you were able to get home for a few days. I always looked forward to visiting home, but strange enough... I was always ready to get beck too. HA! I enjoy your blog!