"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hang On!

What do you do when you feel like God has left you hanging? I don't mean hanging from the monkey bars, but hanging from the edge of a cliff. You know sometimes you come to a point in life where you don't what, when, where, how, what kind, what color, what time, how many,... you just don't know. Every decision you have made you haven't made hastily or foolishly. You've thought out and prayed long and hard over every decision and things are going good, for a while. Then all of a sudden you hit a brick wall. Then what? A few years ago I talked about something I had heard in one of my Bible classes. We had discussed how we can know if it's God's voice and how we can know what God wants us to do. Dr. Phil Brown had said when you come to a crossroad and you sit there waiting for God to tell you which way to go, but you receive no reply, then you must make the decision yourself and ask God to close the door if it's the wrong decision. "God won't let you miss out on a once in a life opportunity just because you weren't sure if it was his voice or not." But what do you do when it seems like every road you choose to take ends with a brick wall? And when you turn around and head back to the crossroads again you are met with no answer as to which road to take, so again, you make the decision and again you are met with a brick wall. What do you do? You learn from your mistakes? That may be one reason God has allowed you to make so many wrong choices, but how many mistakes do you have to make before you get it right?
The title I chose for my blog, Run the Earth...Watch the Sky, is taken from a song by Chris Rice. These words always stuck out to me. That's a hard concept to remember. If you're running then you need to be watching where you are going or you could stumble. I know there have been times when I would go jogging, that I have looked up at the clouds or a bird and looked back just in time to miss a rock that could have caused me to stumble. But what if, just what if, we would watch the sky, look to God, would He stop us from stumbling? Would He catch us when we fall? I've been told that He will, and honestly He has for me a couple times in the past. But lately, well, let's just say I've fallen a lot. I've skinned my knees, so to speak, more than once. So much that there are going to be scars and the thing I struggle with the most is why. Why did God not catch me? Why didn't HE pick the road for me to go down instead of allowing me to pick it? Why is He remaining silent? Why has He left me hanging here? Why...? I don't know.
I heard a story about the lyrics to a song by Barlowgirl. Years after the Holocaust some people went into one of the concentration camps and were looking around. They came to one of the cells, a dark, damp cell. And on the wall they saw these words: "I believe in the sun even when it is not shining; I believe in love even when I can't feel it; I believe in God even when He is silent." I may not have the answers to these questions. I may not understand...anything, but I do know that I believe in God, even when He is silent. So, I will continue to cling with all my might to the edge of this cliff. I will NEVER let go!!!!
Hang on when the water is rising
Hang on when the waves are crashing
Hang on just don't ever let go
Hang on when you are barely breathing
Hang on when your hearts still beating
Hang on just don't ever let go
(Hang On by Plumb)

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