Mom and Dad have choir practice Sunday nights at 4:45 pm but church doesn't start until 6 so we drove separate, they took the car and I took the van. When, we left church, they were ahead of me. I was going down 50 and was right outside of Tecumseh, when this huge doe came out of no where! I knew when I saw here that I was going to hit her, but instead she hit me. She hit the left front corner of the van and then spun around and hit the side of the van. The head light was hanging out, the left fender is dented and the drivers side door is caved in. By the time I pulled over I was about 100 yards away from her on the opposite side of the road. A lady pulled up behind me to make sure everything was okay. She went back to make sure the deer was dead while I called my parents and told them to turn around. Mom and Dad decided they wanted to keep the deer for the meat and see if maybe Ben would butcher it for us. So I called it in to get a police
Monday, November 24, 2008
It happened to me!
Well, I did it! I hit my first deer. Well, actually she hit me. I was on my way home from church Sunday night in the van when this doe just came out of no where and we collided. But if that wasn't enough, the stupid deer was stolen! Who else but me would hit a deer and then have the deer stolen? I was so mad. Then I realized how funny it all s
ounded and I had to laugh. Here are a few pictures of the van. You can see some of the damage that was done.
Mom and Dad have choir practice Sunday nights at 4:45 pm but church doesn't start until 6 so we drove separate, they took the car and I took the van. When, we left church, they were ahead of me. I was going down 50 and was right outside of Tecumseh, when this huge doe came out of no where! I knew when I saw here that I was going to hit her, but instead she hit me. She hit the left front corner of the van and then spun around and hit the side of the van. The head light was hanging out, the left fender is dented and the drivers side door is caved in. By the time I pulled over I was about 100 yards away from her on the opposite side of the road. A lady pulled up behind me to make sure everything was okay. She went back to make sure the deer was dead while I called my parents and told them to turn around. Mom and Dad decided they wanted to keep the deer for the meat and see if maybe Ben would butcher it for us. So I called it in to get a police
officer out to tag it. While we were waiting for the police, who were only maybe 5 minutes away, a pickup pulled up next to the deer and started loading her up in the back. My dad took off down the road to try and catch them and I yelled down that the deer was ours and the police were on their way. But they didn't stop. They slammed the tailgate and jumped in the truck and took off. Dad tried to get their license plate number but it was too late. Not even two minutes later the police showed up and we told him what happened. He couldn't believe it. So, now we have a damaged vehicle with nothing to show for it! Can you believe it? Mom kept saying, "Well, now you have a story to tell." True, I just wish I had the deer to go with the story. Hey, instead of "the fish that got away story" I have "the deer that was stolen" story. I told you I liked stories. : )
Mom and Dad have choir practice Sunday nights at 4:45 pm but church doesn't start until 6 so we drove separate, they took the car and I took the van. When, we left church, they were ahead of me. I was going down 50 and was right outside of Tecumseh, when this huge doe came out of no where! I knew when I saw here that I was going to hit her, but instead she hit me. She hit the left front corner of the van and then spun around and hit the side of the van. The head light was hanging out, the left fender is dented and the drivers side door is caved in. By the time I pulled over I was about 100 yards away from her on the opposite side of the road. A lady pulled up behind me to make sure everything was okay. She went back to make sure the deer was dead while I called my parents and told them to turn around. Mom and Dad decided they wanted to keep the deer for the meat and see if maybe Ben would butcher it for us. So I called it in to get a police
Friday, November 21, 2008
Story Time!

The Rope
The story tells about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb the highest mountain. He began his adventure after many years of preparation, but since he wanted the glory just for himself, he decided to climb the mountain alone.
The night felt heavy in the heights of the mountain, and the man could not see anything. All was black for the moon and the stars were covered by clouds. As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and he felt the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling…and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life. He was thinking now about how close death was getting, when all of a sudden the rope tied to his waist jerked him to a sudden stop. His body was hanging in the air. Only the rope was holding him, and in that moment of stillness he had no other choice but to scream, “Help me God!”
All of a sudden, a deep voice coming from the sky answered, “What do you want me to do?”
“Save me God!”
“Do you really think I can save you?”
“Of course, I believe You can,” replied the man.
“Then cut the rope tied to your waist.”
There was a moment of silence; cut the rope? The rope was all that was between him and death! There was no way he would survive without the rope. "Are you sure God?" he asked.
The story tells about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb the highest mountain. He began his adventure after many years of preparation, but since he wanted the glory just for himself, he decided to climb the mountain alone.
The night felt heavy in the heights of the mountain, and the man could not see anything. All was black for the moon and the stars were covered by clouds. As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed. The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and he felt the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling…and in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good and bad episodes of his life. He was thinking now about how close death was getting, when all of a sudden the rope tied to his waist jerked him to a sudden stop. His body was hanging in the air. Only the rope was holding him, and in that moment of stillness he had no other choice but to scream, “Help me God!”
All of a sudden, a deep voice coming from the sky answered, “What do you want me to do?”
“Save me God!”
“Do you really think I can save you?”
“Of course, I believe You can,” replied the man.
“Then cut the rope tied to your waist.”
There was a moment of silence; cut the rope? The rope was all that was between him and death! There was no way he would survive without the rope. "Are you sure God?" he asked.
Again he heard the voice gently whisper, "Cut the rope."
Again, there was silence, then the man made his decision. He would trust in the rope, for he could see and feel that, so he decided to hold on to the rope with all his strength. Surely someone else would answer his cries for help.
Days went by and still the man did not return. Soon a rescue team was sent out to look for him. The rescue team tells that a climber was found dead and frozen… his body hanging from a rope, his hands holding tightly to it… only 10 feet away from the ground.
And you?
And you?
How attached are you to your rope?
Will you let go?
For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isa 41:13)
For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isa 41:13)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Life goes on!
Well, I had hoped today I would be writing a victory post, that didn’t happen. I was really disappointed, I thought with so many unanswered questions around Obama that there was no way the American people would actually vote for him, but they did. I really didn’t think he had a chance, but I guess I was wrong.
Tuesday night we went to a party the Walberg’s were having in Jackson. We stayed there until about 11 o’clock. When we left, Walberg was over 3,000 votes ahead. The next morning I heard that he had lost by a small margin. Again, I was disappointed. I also found out that many other Republican positions were also lost. Now the House is mainly Democratic.
When I heard all this, the first question that popped in my mind was, “What are we going to do now?” Well, I think I have the answer. We are going to get up every morning, have breakfast, go to school or work and spend our days like we normally do. Do you see where I'm going with this? Life goes on! Yes there will be changes, and I can’t say that they won’t affect us, because they probably will. But it’s not the end of the world, I promise. : ) We have had presidents before that we didn’t agree with and we survived, how is it any different now? I am still a little scarred of Obama. I don’t fully trust him, but he is our President now, therefore, it is my Christian duty to respect him, as president, and to pray for him. I can only hope that he will take his job as President seriously and honestly do what is good for the American people and not just what is good for his career. Most importantly, we may have a new President, but we still have the same God. And He is still in control. No matter who is President, as long as we turn to God, He will take care of us.
Well, in four years we get to do it all over again, and you can be sure that I will be right in the middle of it all. I only regret that I didn’t do more this time. And for those of you who may be thinking, “What was the point in voting, it didn’t change anything, Obama still won?” It did matter; it did count; it did make a difference. It’s like playing sports. What’s the point in playing the game if there is a chance you will not win? The point is the satisfaction in knowing that you put forth an effort. You tried and that’s all that matters. You’re a good American, Charlie Brown. : )
Tuesday night we went to a party the Walberg’s were having in Jackson. We stayed there until about 11 o’clock. When we left, Walberg was over 3,000 votes ahead. The next morning I heard that he had lost by a small margin. Again, I was disappointed. I also found out that many other Republican positions were also lost. Now the House is mainly Democratic.
When I heard all this, the first question that popped in my mind was, “What are we going to do now?” Well, I think I have the answer. We are going to get up every morning, have breakfast, go to school or work and spend our days like we normally do. Do you see where I'm going with this? Life goes on! Yes there will be changes, and I can’t say that they won’t affect us, because they probably will. But it’s not the end of the world, I promise. : ) We have had presidents before that we didn’t agree with and we survived, how is it any different now? I am still a little scarred of Obama. I don’t fully trust him, but he is our President now, therefore, it is my Christian duty to respect him, as president, and to pray for him. I can only hope that he will take his job as President seriously and honestly do what is good for the American people and not just what is good for his career. Most importantly, we may have a new President, but we still have the same God. And He is still in control. No matter who is President, as long as we turn to God, He will take care of us.
Well, in four years we get to do it all over again, and you can be sure that I will be right in the middle of it all. I only regret that I didn’t do more this time. And for those of you who may be thinking, “What was the point in voting, it didn’t change anything, Obama still won?” It did matter; it did count; it did make a difference. It’s like playing sports. What’s the point in playing the game if there is a chance you will not win? The point is the satisfaction in knowing that you put forth an effort. You tried and that’s all that matters. You’re a good American, Charlie Brown. : )
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Day!
Well, tomorrow is the big day! I hope you all have done your homework and plan on voting. I saw this advertisement on the internet today and thought it would be cool to share it. Maybe this will be enough insentive to get people out there to vote.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Are you a good steward?
I know I said I wouldn't say anymore about politics until after the election, but I really feel it is important for us as Christians to vote and James Muffet, President for Student Statesmanship Institute, says it much better than I can. I took classes through SSI a few years ago. They taught us how to do legislation and debate the issues as if we were State Representatives. I really enjoyed it. I actually took the classes with Ryan Watters at Lenewee Christian School.
I cannot tell you how strongly I feel about voting, but not just voting, informed voting. You should know who and what your voting for and why. A lot of this applies more to us Michiganders but you others should read this and take it too heart as well. Enjoy!! : )
Dear Friends,
For the past 20 years, the idea of "Responsible Christian Citizenship" has become more and more important to me. In fact, that principle is integral to my work as President of Student Statesmanship Institute and Citizens for Traditional Values. In my view, as Christians we must:
1. Be knowledgeable of the great Judeo-Christian foundations of our society
2. Be aware of the issues facing this generation
3. Be a part of the conversation and decisions taking place in the public square
4. Vote our values!
Will we fight for the sanctity of unborn human life? Will we stand up for the sacredness of traditional marriage? Will we uphold other principles that have formed the bedrock of our nation such as freedom of religious expression, educational choice for parents and the principles of limited government?
With the November 4 elections upon us, and all of these ideals at stake, I hope you will take the time to be informed and exercise the privilege and responsibility of voting.
Although Jesus told us that we are not "of" this world, He did not mean for us to neglect our God-given responsibilities as stewards "in" this world.
Be an Informed Voter! Although everyone is paying attention to the Presidential contest, did you know that there are other critical items on the ballot this year?
Supreme Court: The outcome could change the balance of this Michigan court for the worse!
U.S. Senate: The two candidates could not be further apart on the issues.
Proposal 1: Will Michigan legalize "smoked" medical marijuana?
Proposal 2: Will Michigan allow unrestricted experimentation on human embryos?
State House: Do you know who will be on the ballot in your area?
Citizens for Traditional Values I encourage you to check out the valuable election resources on the web site of Citizens for Traditional Values. CTV provides timely and accurate information on all of these issues, and much more. There are even resources you can make available to your church group, family, or friends.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Let’s all practice "Responsible Christian Citizenship" by voting in the elections this fall.
James Muffett
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." - Proverbs 29:2
I cannot tell you how strongly I feel about voting, but not just voting, informed voting. You should know who and what your voting for and why. A lot of this applies more to us Michiganders but you others should read this and take it too heart as well. Enjoy!! : )
Dear Friends,
For the past 20 years, the idea of "Responsible Christian Citizenship" has become more and more important to me. In fact, that principle is integral to my work as President of Student Statesmanship Institute and Citizens for Traditional Values. In my view, as Christians we must:
1. Be knowledgeable of the great Judeo-Christian foundations of our society
2. Be aware of the issues facing this generation
3. Be a part of the conversation and decisions taking place in the public square
4. Vote our values!
Will we fight for the sanctity of unborn human life? Will we stand up for the sacredness of traditional marriage? Will we uphold other principles that have formed the bedrock of our nation such as freedom of religious expression, educational choice for parents and the principles of limited government?
With the November 4 elections upon us, and all of these ideals at stake, I hope you will take the time to be informed and exercise the privilege and responsibility of voting.
Although Jesus told us that we are not "of" this world, He did not mean for us to neglect our God-given responsibilities as stewards "in" this world.
Be an Informed Voter! Although everyone is paying attention to the Presidential contest, did you know that there are other critical items on the ballot this year?
Supreme Court: The outcome could change the balance of this Michigan court for the worse!
U.S. Senate: The two candidates could not be further apart on the issues.
Proposal 1: Will Michigan legalize "smoked" medical marijuana?
Proposal 2: Will Michigan allow unrestricted experimentation on human embryos?
State House: Do you know who will be on the ballot in your area?
Citizens for Traditional Values I encourage you to check out the valuable election resources on the web site of Citizens for Traditional Values. CTV provides timely and accurate information on all of these issues, and much more. There are even resources you can make available to your church group, family, or friends.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
Let’s all practice "Responsible Christian Citizenship" by voting in the elections this fall.
James Muffett
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." - Proverbs 29:2
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Politics, Politics, Politics!!!
Okay, so the elections are getting close, just a month away, and I've done pretty good so far on not blogging about them. But I can't keep silent forever!! So now the time has come for me to say a few things. That was a warning so you can't read the whole thing and then get mad or annoyed and say, "I didn't know you were going to talk about politics, I'm so sick and tired of politics." Which I'm sure the last part you all are probably saying, but it's almost over and now it's my turn to put in a few words. And hey, you can look at it this way, I'm your friend and you love me, (just nod your head in agreement) I'm not some stranger on the radio. And as your friend you actually like to hear what I have to say, sometimes, (again, nod your head).
I know many of you do not understand my passion for politics. But it's just like having the passion to play the piano or to sing or even the passion to preach. It's something inside of you that just draws you to it. I have tried in the past to explain, but I have not been that successful. For years now politics has been all about Power and Prestige, you run for office so that you will be recognized as the person with the power. That's wrong!!! WE, the people of America, have the power. I cannot stress the importance of exercising that power by voting in this next election. In fact, I feel it is our duty, not only as an American Citizen, but also as a Christian. As Christians it is our duty to stand against evil, that also means in politics. Honestly I feel Barak Obama is an evil man, therefore, as Christians, it is our duty to stand against him. The only way we can stand against him, other than pray, is to vote. If you're not convinced, look at these videos, the first one I received in my e-mail, and have already passed on to many of you. Rev. Wright is a man that Obama himself called his mentor and spiritual leader. A man Obama sat under for 20 years. As a guest on Hannity & Colmes, Rev. Wright asked Sean Hannity what he knew about Black Liberation Theology and how many Cone's books Sean had read. James Cone was a very scary man who wrote about Black Liberation Theology, which is Liberation Theology plus Black Power, in an excerpt from one of his books he said that if God was not for the Blacks and against white people then God was a murderer and should be killed. That is the kind of teaching Obama was under for 20 years. Also in the first video, Obama has the audacity to say that the Declaration of Independence and many famous speeches are "just words, just speeches"!! Isn't that all he gives, "just words, just speeches"? He even called Romans 1:26-27 an "obscure passage". Do you really want him to be president? Do you really think that "one vote doesn't matter"? It does!!!! Please do not let a man like this win! I would even be disappointed in my fellow Christians and Americans if Obama lost by just a few votes. A man like that needs to lose by a landslide!!! This is not because of race but because of character. There are three fundamental things that we, the American people, should look for in a president: Experience, Integrity, and Character, three things that are hard to find in Obama. Okay, you've read this and watched the videos, hint hint, now I promise I will not say anything about politics again...until after the election of course : ). Thanks for listening to all my ramblings. Honestly, I am really riled up about this election, so I guess I should be saying thanks for letting me vent : ). Have a great rest of the week!!
I know many of you do not understand my passion for politics. But it's just like having the passion to play the piano or to sing or even the passion to preach. It's something inside of you that just draws you to it. I have tried in the past to explain, but I have not been that successful. For years now politics has been all about Power and Prestige, you run for office so that you will be recognized as the person with the power. That's wrong!!! WE, the people of America, have the power. I cannot stress the importance of exercising that power by voting in this next election. In fact, I feel it is our duty, not only as an American Citizen, but also as a Christian. As Christians it is our duty to stand against evil, that also means in politics. Honestly I feel Barak Obama is an evil man, therefore, as Christians, it is our duty to stand against him. The only way we can stand against him, other than pray, is to vote. If you're not convinced, look at these videos, the first one I received in my e-mail, and have already passed on to many of you. Rev. Wright is a man that Obama himself called his mentor and spiritual leader. A man Obama sat under for 20 years. As a guest on Hannity & Colmes, Rev. Wright asked Sean Hannity what he knew about Black Liberation Theology and how many Cone's books Sean had read. James Cone was a very scary man who wrote about Black Liberation Theology, which is Liberation Theology plus Black Power, in an excerpt from one of his books he said that if God was not for the Blacks and against white people then God was a murderer and should be killed. That is the kind of teaching Obama was under for 20 years. Also in the first video, Obama has the audacity to say that the Declaration of Independence and many famous speeches are "just words, just speeches"!! Isn't that all he gives, "just words, just speeches"? He even called Romans 1:26-27 an "obscure passage". Do you really want him to be president? Do you really think that "one vote doesn't matter"? It does!!!! Please do not let a man like this win! I would even be disappointed in my fellow Christians and Americans if Obama lost by just a few votes. A man like that needs to lose by a landslide!!! This is not because of race but because of character. There are three fundamental things that we, the American people, should look for in a president: Experience, Integrity, and Character, three things that are hard to find in Obama. Okay, you've read this and watched the videos, hint hint, now I promise I will not say anything about politics again...until after the election of course : ). Thanks for listening to all my ramblings. Honestly, I am really riled up about this election, so I guess I should be saying thanks for letting me vent : ). Have a great rest of the week!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mind if I ride along?
Tonight we had Michael and Ruth Anne over for a little while and Michael told a story he heard from a man at his church during their Sunday School Class. They were talking about hearing God in an audible voice. Out in the man's field there is an oak tree where he always goes to to pray. One day he was out in his field riding his tractor and he was particularly worried about his family that day and he said, "God, I'll meet you at the oak tree." And he said it was as if he heard God say, "Mind if I ride along?" That got me to thinking about something that happened to me yesterday.
When I got back from GBS I was looking forward to working with the Walbergs. Well, as all of you know, that didn't work out. Honestly, I was very, very disappointed. I wanted that job more than anything. Well, since then I have had numerous jobs fell through. It seemed like one job after another, that I really wanted, just didn't work out and I was starting to get a little discouraged, well actually very discouraged. Then, finally, in August I got a job at an orchard. But I haven't really been all that happy there either. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't quit because I really needed the job. So I decided to just stick it out. Well, now, I don't know what to do again. Yesterday, I received a call from Mrs. Walberg. She needs some help around the house and running errands at least two days a week. It's not exactly working on a campaign, but it's close enough. I worked with Mrs. Walberg a few years ago and I loved it. She is so much fun to be with! So now I am going to see if I can make both jobs work or if I should just work for her. Oh, and get this. I will be making more a week for two days with her than I do four days at the orchard. And it won't be as stressful!
The thing that is so funny, is that I was in the process of getting a nanny position to work around my orchard schedule. It was a very promising looking job. They contacted me and sounded like they really needed me. Then, just like that, I didn't hear from them again. That's the second time I've had a nanny position open up for me and then all of a sudden I never hear from them again. Wait, no, that's the third time. Plus a gazillion other jobs I applied for and never heard back from. I even had a job that I went for an interview and it just didn't seem right. It seemed like right from the beginning it was wrong, I got lost going there, but that's a whole other story.
I guess my point is, that it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing, it doesn't matter how we think things ought to go, or how we plan things out for our own futures, God is not just at the oak tree, He's been there for the whole ride. He knew from the very beginning what I needed, I'm still not sure what it is that I need, but God does and that's good enough for me. So no, I don't mind if He rides along. In fact I would prefer it if He drove. It's safer that way.
When I got back from GBS I was looking forward to working with the Walbergs. Well, as all of you know, that didn't work out. Honestly, I was very, very disappointed. I wanted that job more than anything. Well, since then I have had numerous jobs fell through. It seemed like one job after another, that I really wanted, just didn't work out and I was starting to get a little discouraged, well actually very discouraged. Then, finally, in August I got a job at an orchard. But I haven't really been all that happy there either. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't quit because I really needed the job. So I decided to just stick it out. Well, now, I don't know what to do again. Yesterday, I received a call from Mrs. Walberg. She needs some help around the house and running errands at least two days a week. It's not exactly working on a campaign, but it's close enough. I worked with Mrs. Walberg a few years ago and I loved it. She is so much fun to be with! So now I am going to see if I can make both jobs work or if I should just work for her. Oh, and get this. I will be making more a week for two days with her than I do four days at the orchard. And it won't be as stressful!
The thing that is so funny, is that I was in the process of getting a nanny position to work around my orchard schedule. It was a very promising looking job. They contacted me and sounded like they really needed me. Then, just like that, I didn't hear from them again. That's the second time I've had a nanny position open up for me and then all of a sudden I never hear from them again. Wait, no, that's the third time. Plus a gazillion other jobs I applied for and never heard back from. I even had a job that I went for an interview and it just didn't seem right. It seemed like right from the beginning it was wrong, I got lost going there, but that's a whole other story.
I guess my point is, that it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing, it doesn't matter how we think things ought to go, or how we plan things out for our own futures, God is not just at the oak tree, He's been there for the whole ride. He knew from the very beginning what I needed, I'm still not sure what it is that I need, but God does and that's good enough for me. So no, I don't mind if He rides along. In fact I would prefer it if He drove. It's safer that way.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I Was There
This is an awesome 9/11 tribute. I heard it on the radio today and thought it was amazing. I wanted to post it in memory of all those who lost their lives and for their families as a reminder that God is always there. It applies to our lives today as well. God is always, always, there! He promised to never leave us and He never will.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Glad Game

You know, it's easier to see the bad than it is to see the good. We can always look at a situation and say, "Well, it might have turned out okay, but it would have been much better if...." Or to look at someone and see only their faults instead of the good things about them. Some of the things Pollyanna came up with to be happy about were kind of a stretch but it helped make the people start coming up with their own reasons to be happy. For instance, a few people were complaining about it being Sunday and Pollyanna said, "Well you can be glad because it will be six whole days before it's Sunday again." Or she was glad when she got a pair of crutches instead of a baby doll by accident because, "at least I don't have to use them." Maybe it's time I started playing the glad game. Who knows, I might enjoy it. : ) Have a great week!
Friday, August 8, 2008
A New Post, Finally!
Well, I guess I haven't really kept up with my blogging like I should have. Actually, there have been a few times that I would sit down and start to write a blog, I even finished a few of them, but then decided not to post them. I guess a lot of the time I'm just writing blogs to kind of put my thoughts on paper, so to speak. But I think I will post this one.
A lot has happened since I last blogged, but not much has happened that is really worthy of reading about. The summer is almost over, which is bizarre, it feels like
it just started. I haven't really done much this summer except look for a job. Jobs are kind of scarce lately and to be honest I was starting to feel a little depressed there for a while, especially when four jobs in a row didn't work out, four jobs that I really really wanted that is. But today I think I finally got a job. At least it looks really promising. I will be working at an orchard grating fruit and doing school tours up until Christmas. I'm kind of excited. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Last Sunday was Michael's last day at the church. He got a full time teaching position at Lenewee Christian School. They are in the process of getting a house and are really excited. I'm not sure who they are going to get to replace him, but we won't be going there to church any ways. It's a lot of change but I'm excited. We're going to try a few different churches here in town. I think it will be fun to meet some people my own age here in town.
I'm still working on my application for Hillsdale, I'll be attending, hopefully, after Christmas. My f
uture seems really uncertain, but that's okay. It just adds some mystery to my life. : ) You know, I've come to realize that it doesn't really matter if my future is uncertain. I'm not the one who has to worry about my future. The future and the past are the two areas in my life that I have no control over, and that's alright. I don't have to be in control of everything, right? All I can really do is take one day at a time and let God take care of my future and forgive me for my past mistakes. All I can do is live today in such a way that when I look back I don't have any regrets. I'm not really concerned about my future, which is strange now that I think about it. In fact, I'm a little excited to see what happens. Man, that's a good feeling! To feel excited rather than apprehensive about the future. You should try it sometime, it's good for your health too. : )

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Home, Sweet, Home!
Well, the end of the school year has arrived and I am finally back home! I can't believe that I already have a year of college behind me. It's crazy!!! Final exams ended last Tuesday and then We
dnesday night was the start of camp meeting at GBSC. Blake Jones, Knox Bullock and Wingrove Taylor were the speakers. It was a really good camp meeting! My mom and dad came down on Friday to help me pack. Camp meeting ended Sunday and Monday morning I left to go back home. It was kind of bittersweet. I was ready to go home but, at the same time, it was hard knowing I wasn't going to be coming back. But I feel I'm doing the right thing. And it's not like I'm never going to see everyone. I had to promise so many people that I would keep in touch and would come for a visit every once in a while, which I plan to do as often as possible. I really am going to miss everyone there, they were all so good to me.
Well, my plans for the summer include working, working and... working. : ) I am currently waiting to hear from the Walberg Campaign to see if they have a position open. I received an e-mail and I e-mailed them back today to maybe set up an interview. I really hope I get this job! But, if I don't I guess I will have to keep looking. I might even get an occasional babysitting job. Jordana said she would be more than willing to have me watch the kids e
very once in a while. Oh yeah, did you know I'm an aunt again!?! Tuesday, May 13 around 7 o'clock pm Seth and Jordana had a little boy, Keaton Bradley Arnold. He is so cute!! I wasn't able to be there when he was born, so I didn't get to see him until yesterday. But that's okay.
I'm planning on going to Hillsdale for the spring semester. So that will give me plenty of time to get a job and save up some money. So when I start going to Hillsdale my life will consist of work and school. I really think my social life will be next to nothing when I start college. : ) Oh well, that's life right? I really don't think it will be that bad. I'm actually looking forward to going to Hillsdale. And, as crazy as this may sound, I can't wait to find a good job either. Well, I think that's about it for now. Talk to you all later!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
In chapel Monday, President Avery spoke about feeling inadequate. He showed a few video clips that really struck me. I tried to put them on here, but I haven't figured out how to yet. So if you would like to go watch them here are the links. They are extraordinary!!! and I have so much and yet I focus on what I don't have or what I am not! How selfish can you get!!
ot many know yet that I have made the decision to go to Hillsdale College next year instead of coming back to God's Bible School. It was a tough decision. I wasn't sure what to do and no matter how much I prayed that God would show me, it just didn't seem like He was. Then, in my 7:55 am Life of Christ class, Dr. Phil said something that really struck me. He was talking about faith and hearing the voice of God. And he said "God will not let you miss out on a once-in-your-life opportunity just because you were not sure if it was His voice or not. When you come to a cross road and you don't know what to do you say, 'God I want to go this way but if you want me to go that way I will'. Then you wait. And if you still receive no answer you go the way you want, because God does work through our desires, and say, 'God, if this is wrong, close the door.'" So that is what I did. That day I scheduled a visit to Hillsdale Campus for over spring break. Well, to make a long story short. My dad and I went to the campus
and both of us left there feeling like this was the right thing to do. As my dad put it, before we were just looking through a crack in the door, now the door seemed to have swung wide open. What does that have to do with the chapel service about inadequacy? A lot!!

I'm scared! I'm not sure I can do what will be required of me. Oh, yeah, I'll give my best, but will it be good enough? You see, I don't what to just to well, I want to exceed at this. I feel called by God to go into politics. Don't ask me why. I'm not sure myself. I don't understand why God wants me to do this. But I do know that I am doing this for Him so therefore I don't want it to be a halfway job. It has to be better than my best. So, no I don't feel adequate enough for the job. I don't think I can do it. But then if the people in these clips can do what they are doing, then I can do this. Nick Vujicic has become an inspiration for me. To hear him talk is amazing! And he's right! I can't do this on my own and I'm not even going to try! "Trusting God is where the victory lies" (Nick Vujicic). If I am going to have victory in my life; If I am going to su
cceed, to make a difference in this world for Christ, then I must put my trust in God. That's how Monday's chapel ties in with my life. That's how it helped me. As the year draws to a close, I know there are others out there who are faced with their own decisions and don't know what to do. Well know this, You do Not have to do this on your own! Thanks for letting me preach! : ) Enjoy the wonderful spring weather!!!

Sorry I haven't kept everyone update lately. I haven't really had that much time. And then when I do write I preach!! But I guess I did kind of give an update. Talk to you all later!!
Sorry I haven't kept everyone update lately. I haven't really had that much time. And then when I do write I preach!! But I guess I did kind of give an update. Talk to you all later!!
Tag, Your it!!!
I've been tagged! So here are a few things about me.
1) What was I doing 10 years ago today? probably what most eight year old do when there is nice weather. Ride my bike, roller-blade, etc.
2)5 things on my to-do list. Print off a few papers, clean my room, go to the store, get my glasses fixed, and put my air conditioner back in my room!!!
3)Snacks that I enjoy. I'm like my mom, anything chocolate is best
4)Things I would do if I were a billionaire.Pay off our house, pay off our car, pay my college tuition, buy my mom a bakery and my dad an old car to fix up and a place to fix it up.
5)3 of my bad habits. Being to quick to give my opinion, not putting things back in their proper place and procrastinating
6)5 places I have lived. Tecumseh, MI, Tecumseh, MI, Cincinnati, OH, Tecumseh, MI and can you guess, Tecumseh, MI
7)5 jobs that I have had. Babysitter, Cashier, Volunteer campaigner, secretary, babysitter
Okay. Now I tag Sam McConkey, Leanna Martin, and Melissa Phelps. Have fun!
1) What was I doing 10 years ago today? probably what most eight year old do when there is nice weather. Ride my bike, roller-blade, etc.
2)5 things on my to-do list. Print off a few papers, clean my room, go to the store, get my glasses fixed, and put my air conditioner back in my room!!!
3)Snacks that I enjoy. I'm like my mom, anything chocolate is best
4)Things I would do if I were a billionaire.Pay off our house, pay off our car, pay my college tuition, buy my mom a bakery and my dad an old car to fix up and a place to fix it up.
5)3 of my bad habits. Being to quick to give my opinion, not putting things back in their proper place and procrastinating
6)5 places I have lived. Tecumseh, MI, Tecumseh, MI, Cincinnati, OH, Tecumseh, MI and can you guess, Tecumseh, MI
7)5 jobs that I have had. Babysitter, Cashier, Volunteer campaigner, secretary, babysitter
Okay. Now I tag Sam McConkey, Leanna Martin, and Melissa Phelps. Have fun!
Monday, March 3, 2008
A good break!

I also got to see everyone from Bird Lake this weekend. Saturday their church was having a basketball tournament. They have enough people playing to be able to have four full teams and the teams played against each other all afternoon. It was a lot of fun to go and see everyone, but when I left I felt like I really didn't have enough time to see everyone. So, Sunday night I went to Bird Lake for their evening service. The thing is to be able to go I used up all the money I had to take back with me. I really didn't have that much in the first place but my dad didn't really want me to go back to school without any money. My dad told me it was my decision, if I really wanted to go see everyone that was fine but that would leave me with no money, since Bird Lake is an hour away and gas prices are so high. Well, I decided I really wanted to go and I would just trust God to provide for me in the next week. Well, I didn't have to wait long! You know, God is really good!! He loves us so much that every once in a while He spoils us. He knew how much I wanted to go an
d see everyone and He also knew how much I was going to need money when I headed back. Well, today my grandpa was going to take me shopping for clothes but decided that since I still had some homework to finish and to pack that he would just give me the money. He gave me enough to fill my tank and still leave me enough for laundry money and spending money, more spending money than I really need. Isn't God great!! I got to see all my friends, twice, and I don't have to go back to school completely broke! Well, I hope to be able to come home in a couple of weeks for the Bird Lake Spring Drama and then a couple of weeks after that I will be home for a few days for Spring Break! This year is really going by fast! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. God Bless!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hello Once Again!
Well, I have been meaning to update my blog again and I just never got around to it. A few things have happened since I last blogged. First, about three weekends ago a friend of mine from the Akron, Ohio area came to Cincinnati for a few days to visit. We had an awesome weekend. We even had a picnic in the middle of winter, how cool is that! Pardon the pun. It was a very interesting experience. Then the following weekend me and a couple of my friends, Sam and Rochelle, went to my house for a Casting Crowns
concert. That was a lot of fun! It was a very good concert. I was very impressed with them. I had seen them in concert before and had been impressed with them then but this time I got to see more of them than before. I was impressed by the fact that the lead singer on more than one occasion would stop and say a quick prayer before he would sing. Later on in the concert the lead singer, Mark Hall, said that before the concert he and the rest of the band went through the rows of seats praying for the people that would be coming to hear them, then he asked if we would mind them praying with us now that we were there. They spent the next fifteen to twenty minutes praying with us. I had never seen that before at a concert. It was very refreshing. They really made you feel like they were doing this as a ministry not just for the fame. Well, the concert was on Friday and we went home on Sunday. The follow
ing Wednesday was the beginning of Mid-Winter Break, so I now I am home until March 3. I was so happy to get home! Janette came and stayed at my house for a couple days and we had a blast. I got to babysit my niece, Emma, a couple days as well. I really have been having a good break. I have pretty much done nothing and it has felt so good!!

I cannot wait until Summer!! I have some exciting things planned for this summer. For one, I have applied for job that I am hoping I will get. I think I have a pretty good chance of getting it though. Two summers ago I worked on a campaign for Tim Walberg who was running for US Congress. I
ended up working mostly for his wife, because she took a liking to me and wanted me to help her and keep her company when she was stuck at the house doing paper work or planning fundraiser dinners. I really enjoyed working with her and we became pretty good friends. Well, whenever she sees my mom she always asks about me. Recently she asked my mom if she thought I would be interested in working on their campaign this summer, and if I was to tell me to send in an application. So that is exactly what I did. I really hope I get it. It would be so much fun to work on the campaign as more than just a volunteer. That's one thing I have planned for this summer. I am also planning on going to a few different camps. My parents are both planning on taking a few days vacation this summer so we can all go to the Rock Lake Bible Methodist Family Camp for the whole time. This past year was our first year there and it was so much fun! I can't wait to go back there again this year. Then the week after Rock Lake I am wanting to got to the Appalachian Youth Camp in Pennsylvania. Janette goes as a counselor and she said I could stay with her which will be a blast. The only thing is whenever we stay the
night somewhere together we never end up going to bed very early. We always seem to stay up until three or four o'clock in the morning talking. You would think that we would run out of things to talk about but we never seem to. I just can't wait until this summer!!

Well, I guess that is about it for now. I do have one more thing that I would like to share though. For the past couple of weeks I have been studying Jeremiah 29 for my devotions. Verses 10-14 have been a real encouragement to me, but really the whole chapter has. It takes place when the children of Israel are in captivity in Babylon and God sends them a message. He tells them to go ahead and settle down, build houses, get married, have families, and when their time there is up He will let them know and will bring them out. I'm the kind of person who likes to plan it all out. When I'm planning a weekend with friends, I don't really worry that much about the details, we can just go with the flow. But when it comes to my life I like to have it all planned out. Recently I have been struggling with the decision of whether I should go two or four years at GBS. As of right now, I am going with two, but I'm not sure that in two years I will decide to go another two. And that bothers me because I want to know NOW what I am going to do. When I read Jeremiah 29 it was almost as if God was telling me to just live my everyday life and when it was time for me to move on He would let me know. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go one day at a time and trust God to tell me where He wants me to be and when. Well, everyone, stay warm and enjoy the snow while it lasts! Bye for now!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
The other day I was on my way up to Mr. Profitt's office and I passed a fellow student who was sweeping the stairs. He said "hello" and I gave him my usual reply with a smile. He stopped sweeping and asked me why I was smiling. "Everytime I see you, you are smiling. Why are you such a smiley person? What makes you smile?" I was a little caught off guard. Why did I smile? I told him it was because I like it when I receive a smile. A smile somehow makes someones day brighter and why should I be the one to make they're day bad just because I didn't smile. But is that really the reason? I thought about that for the rest of the day and have thought about it on more than one occasion since then. Why do I smile? I don't always feel like smiling. In fact there are somedays where smiling is the last thing in this world that I feel like doing, but do you really have to feel like smiling just to smile? And why does it matter if I smile anyways? Do people really care whether I smile or not? I once did an experiment for psychology on smiles. I found this little test on line where you watched twenty different people smile and after each one you had to check whether it was a real or fake smile. The day I found the test I really wasn't in the best of moods, but by the time the test was over I found myself smiling and in a better mood. That gave me an idea for my own experiment. I had a few other people take the test and afterwards I asked them if they had found themselves smiling or in a better mood then when they had started. Most said they did find themselves smiling back. So, I guess that brings me back to the question, "Does it really matter whether or not you smile?" I think it does. But most of the time I find myself smiling at someone and I don't even realize it. So why do I smile, if not just to make others smile? "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: ~ Psalm 146:5" Maybe that's why I smile. : ) Are you smiling?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Winter Wonderland

Well, I was able to go home this last weekend. I was originally going to go home on Friday, but then my parents called and said that we were supposed to get a big snow storm and they would prefer for me to get home before the storm hit. That was Thursday night around 9:30 so I ran down to the dean of women's office to make sure it would be alright for me to leave and was given permission. By that time is was already 9:40 and I still had to pack. I was so ready to get home that I was packed and heading down the road at 10:20. It was raining a little bit when I left Cincinnati but by the time I passed Troy it had stopped and I had a pretty clear drive until I got closer to the Michigan boarder. That was around 1:30 in the morning. Well, then I took the wrong exit, which really wasn't that big of a deal. I knew where I was, I was in Petersburg when I should have been in Dundee, but then that meant I had to take Petersburg rode, which is horrible even on the clearest days, to get home. By this time the snow storm that the weathermen where predicting had hit. So I didn't get home until 3 o'clock in the morning. That was okay though. At least I got to go home and I even had an extra day.
I will be coming home again next weekend for a Casting Crowns concert and then the following Wednesday will begin Mid-Winter Break. So this semester is going by pretty quickly and I really don't have that heavy of a load. So I guess I said all of that just to say that God is Good. He was with me as I drove home at 1 o'clock in the morning and He is with me as I continue my schooling here at GBS. Well, I guess that is all for now!
I will be coming home again next weekend for a Casting Crowns concert and then the following Wednesday will begin Mid-Winter Break. So this semester is going by pretty quickly and I really don't have that heavy of a load. So I guess I said all of that just to say that God is Good. He was with me as I drove home at 1 o'clock in the morning and He is with me as I continue my schooling here at GBS. Well, I guess that is all for now!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Well, hello again everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to write again. I am just not very good at this blogging thing. I don't ever seem to find the time to blog and when I do have the time I never know what to write. Shocking isn't it? Me not knowing what to say! Well, I certainly wasn't sure what to say Friday morning. Last weekend was the basketball tournaments here at GBS. I think there were about five or six highschools that came for the weekend. It was a lot of fun and I was so excited because Bird Lake came as well and I got to see my friends from High School. Well, Friday morning they decided to have a special service for all the schools and they asked four of the college students to share a short little testimony about life at GBS. Well, I was one of them, along with Ryan Watters, who was asked to speak. I found this quote that night and had to laugh because it sure wasn't me!
" Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down." --Arianna Huffington
I was so scared I thought I was going to be sick. When they asked me if I would do that for them I said, very hesitantly, "I guess I can, but that's a lot of people." In which I was told, "Oh, it's not that many, just 3 or 4 hundred." Well, needless to say I did it and, amazingly, I didn't get sick. I didn't really feel like I did all that great, I left out a few things I wanted to say, but I guess all in all I did okay. Well, things aren't too busy in the office right now. We are in the process of moving offices around and I am also in the process of writing a few faculty and staff biographies for the GBS website, a wee bit stressful, but other than that things are pretty much the same. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures right now, that is one of the many things (my camera) I accidentally left at home when I came back from Christmas Break, along with all of my towels. Oh well, things are working out and I'm going home this weekend, so I can bring the things I need back. Hope everyone back home is doing alright! Bye for now!
" Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down." --Arianna Huffington
I was so scared I thought I was going to be sick. When they asked me if I would do that for them I said, very hesitantly, "I guess I can, but that's a lot of people." In which I was told, "Oh, it's not that many, just 3 or 4 hundred." Well, needless to say I did it and, amazingly, I didn't get sick. I didn't really feel like I did all that great, I left out a few things I wanted to say, but I guess all in all I did okay. Well, things aren't too busy in the office right now. We are in the process of moving offices around and I am also in the process of writing a few faculty and staff biographies for the GBS website, a wee bit stressful, but other than that things are pretty much the same. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures right now, that is one of the many things (my camera) I accidentally left at home when I came back from Christmas Break, along with all of my towels. Oh well, things are working out and I'm going home this weekend, so I can bring the things I need back. Hope everyone back home is doing alright! Bye for now!
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